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Extender window does not show trying to create Extender Real Time data source

Published: Aug 19, 2024
Post Author Written by Pat Roth

I’m using SmartConnect 21/2018 and trying to create a new Microsoft Dynamics GP Extender Real Time Data Source.

I have many Extender Windows in Dynamics GP:

However, when trying to Set up the Extender Real Time Data Source for that company, only one Extender Window shows in the list to select and isn’t the one I need to use.

Why do not all the Extender Windows show in the list to select?

When filling the Extender Id field for Extender Forms or Windows, SmartConnect expects that there will be a SQL View created that is the same name as the Extender Window ID.

To fill the list, it runs the following SQL Query:

SELECT DISTINCT rtrim(Extender_Window_ID)   AS WindowID,
                rtrim(Extender_Window_Name) AS WindowName
FROM   TWO22.dbo.sysobjects
       INNER JOIN TWO22.dbo.EXT20100
               ON replace(rtrim(Extender_Window_ID), ' ', '') IN (SELECT name
                                                                  FROM   TWO22.dbo.sysobjects
                                                                  WHERE  type = 'V') 

Running the same SQL Query on my own system produces these results.

The results of the query show 2 results – the “Vendor Addl Data” window does show up to be selected in SmartConnect. The reason “customer dates” does not show in the list is because it was previously used as an Extender Real Time Data source and so it is removed from the list as there can be only one real time data source per window.

To resolve this, the easiest way is to use the Extender Views window to create a new Extender View making sure that the SQL Name is the same as the Extender Window ID.

The View ID does not matter – only the SQL Name of the view created.

Once the Extender View is saved and the SQL View created successfully, the “customer detail” Extender window added is now available in SmartConnect.

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