What security permissions are necessary for an account that organizations might be restricting? Based on previous reference: https://www.eonesolutions.com/help-article/kba-01225-w3k3d5/
The cause of the problem is that the eConnect service account lacks permissions on the local machine.
To resolve this, you need to add a service or user account to the security setting.
- Open the Local Security Policy window, expand Local Policies, and select User Rights Assignment.
- Find the policy titled “Manage auditing and security log,” which corresponds to SeSecurityPrivilege.
- Double-click on “Manage auditing and security log” to access its properties.
- Click “Add User or Group…” to open the selection dialog and then add the service account.
- If the changes don’t take effect immediately, restart the machine.
- This should resolve the error.
Optional: To verify, you can log in to the machine using a service account. Open
PowerShell as an administrator and run the command whoami /priv. Ensure
that the SeSecurityPrivilege is enabled.
For example:
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