
Could not initialize a collection when launching SmartConnect

Published: Mar 31, 2021
Post Author Written by Ethan Sorenson


When launching the SmartConnect client received the below message:

Could not log into the SQL Server
could not initialize a collection: [eOne.SmartConnect.Engine.User.UserWebFormOptions#6c6113ce-075b-4d49-8ec1-9ea400bb6db8][SQL: SELECT userwebfor0_.UserId as UserId1_, userwebfor0_.UserWebFormOptionId as UserWebF1_1_, userwebfor0_.UserWebFormOptionId as UserWebF1_100_0_, userwebfor0_.FormName as FormName100_0_, userwebfor0_.UserId as UserId100_0_ FROM [UserWebFormOption] userwebfor0_ WHERE userwebfor0_.UserId=?]


One or more tables in the SmartConnect database are not using the expected dbo schema.
To fix, run the below SQL Statement against the SmartConnect database then relaunch SmartConnect.

If you are still having issues, feel free to email target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”> style=”color: #0000ff;”>

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