If you’re planning to integrate with Dynamics 365, one of the first things you’ll do in SmartConnect is enter connection information about your Dynamics 365 instance into the connector setup window. Whether you’re simply updating the default CRM online instance in SmartConnect or you’re starting fresh with a brand new Dynamics 365 online instance, below are the steps you’ll need to complete the configuration.
*Note that the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector Setup window used both when configuring the connection for Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, Project Service Automation) and Dynamics CRM environments with the default CRM Organization.
*Also, you will need to be on SmartConnect 2018 to be able to connect successfully to your Dynamics 365 environment. You will not be able to connect to Dynamics 365 environments in versions prior to SmartConnect 2018.
*If you are using Multi-Factor Authentication you will need to generate an app password to bypass the typical verification steps. Here is an article for generating the password that you will use in the connector setup below instead of your usual password.
To configure your Dynamics 365 instance and default org in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM connector:
- Open the SmartConnect setup screen, and select Setup on the Setup ribbon.
- Double click on the SmartConnect Dynamics CRM Connector. Or Select SmartConnect Dynamics CRM Connector and select the Connector Setup button at the bottom of the screen. This will open the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector Setup window.
- Enter the default CRM server and port. Do not enter the http/https prefix. Example: crm.dynamics.com
*Note that Microsoft Dynamics 365 automatically assumes that SSL will be used. No need to select the “Use Ssl to connect” checkbox.
- Select Authentication Type: Microsoft Online Federation
- If users are allowed to over-ride the default CRM server for CRM destinations, select Allow override of defaults checkbox. This will allow users to send data to CRM servers other than the default CRM Server selected.
- If users are allowed to use the advanced messaging for CRM within SmartConnect, select Allow advanced messages checkbox.
- If users are allowed to update meta data information within CRM, select Allow meta data updates checkbox.
- If SmartConnect is to manage the creation of CRM change tables and change transactions, check the Allow SmartConnect to manage change tables checkbox.
- Select the checkbox for Use the following credentials when using CRM checkbox.
- Enter the username to be used to connect to CRM.
- Enter the password to be used to connect to CRM.
- * Note that the AD domain of the user is not required for connecting to Dynamics 365 Online or CRM Online environments.
- Select the Refresh button to retrieve the list of CRM organizations.
- Select the default organization to be used for CRM. *Note that you do have the ability to integrate with multiple organizations when you’re building your maps.
If you plan to use real-time triggers for your Dynamics 365 Online integrations:
- Enter the call back web service URL for the SmartConnect web service.
- Enter the username, password, and domain to be passed back to the SmartConnect web service.
- Select OK to save the setup changes.
The final step…
Have questions? Access the SmartConnect online manual on the SmartConnect Downloads page, or contact our support team at support@eonesolutions.com.