
Changes to Global Variables in Extender 2018 build 18.00.0015

Published: Apr 06, 2018
Post Author Written by Nicole Albertson

We have changed how Global variables work in this release for Extender Enterprise. In previous versions, you could not access global variable such as ‘User ID’ of globals when setting the Product to Extender, as there was an issue how they were referenced. We had to write code similar to the code below:

local string ls_compiler_error, ls_intercompanyid, ls_userid, ls_companyname; local long status,SQL_connection;
local text lt_code,SQL_Statements;
local date ld_user_date;
local integer li_companyid;
lt_code=”inout text ls_intercompanyid, ls_userid, ls_companyname,”;
lt_code=lt_code+”inout integer li_companyid;”;
lt_code=lt_code+”inout date ld_user_date;”;
lt_code=lt_code+”ls_intercompanyid=’Intercompany ID’ of globals;”;
lt_code=lt_code+”ls_userid=’User ID’ of globals; “;
lt_code=lt_code+”ls_companyname=’Company Name’ of globals;”;
lt_code=lt_code+”li_companyid=’Company ID’ of globals;”;
lt_code=lt_code+”ld_user_date=’User Date’ of globals;”;
if execute(0,lt_code,ls_compiler_error,li_companyid,ls_intercompanyid,ls_userid,
ls_companyname,ls_sqldatasource,ls_functionalcurrency,li_companyid,ld_user_date)<>0 then
{A compiler error occured. Display the error.}
error ls_compiler_error;
end if;

If you are using something similar to the code above, you will want to verify that your code is still valid.

If you have code written to reference the global variables and the code is written where it has

of globals;”
of globals; “

at the end of the line of code, you will not need to change your code.

With the changes done in this version, you can now just reference the following global variables directly.

‘User ID’ of globals
‘Company ID’ of globals
‘Company Name’ of globals
‘Intercompany ID’ of globals
‘User Date’ of globals
‘User Name’ of globals

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