Each week we like to give you a bit of technical news that could benefit you now or in the future with our products! This week’s Tech Tuesday is from our Quality Assurance, Jared Dux, on timeout errors within SmartView Internal and External.

If you are reporting a large number of records and fields you may have ran into a timeout error as seen below.


Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

For SmartView Internal on GP2010+ you can add the following line to the dex.ini to adjust the timeout:


Restart Microsoft Dynamics GP for the change to take effect.

For SmartView External you can add the following line to the SmartView.exe.config file (default location is C:Program Files (x86)eOne Integrated Business SolutionsSmartView):

<add key=”CommandTimeout” value=”0″></add>

Restart SmartView External for the change to take effect.

Do you have any topics you wish to see on our next Tech Tuesday? Email us at sales@eonesolutions.com with requests!