As part of the upcoming update this May, we are making some changes to our IP addresses that are part of our platform. A quick overview of the changes are as follows: 

  • A new IP address is being added per region for SmartConnect. 
  • In a future update (to occur in June), this IP address will be the sole IP address that needs to be whitelisted per region. 

Additional details of why the new IP addresses are being added, as well as what the plan is regarding the IP addresses that are in use per region for SmartConnect, are outlined below. 

First, these are the new IP addresses that need to be added depending on the region you are utilizing for SmartConnect: 

Region IP Address 

An additional IP address is being added per region due to the new microservices being added for scheduling. These microservices will spin up automatically for each integration scheduled for each client. All these services are being routed through the single new IP that is listed above for each region. 

If you are unsure of the region you are in for SmartConnect, you can determine it based on the URL after logging into as it should show as the subdomain. Note: The main NA region shows as “” and the NA2 region shows as “”. All other regions show as expected.

If your organization has whitelisted other IP addresses for in the past, this IP needs to be added to that whitelist to ensure SmartConnect continues to function correctly with your processes. If your organization has not whitelisted anything for SmartConnect, no action is needed. 

This update is also the first step in our goal to reduce the total number of IP addresses that are in use by SmartConnect. To this point, there has been a large set of IPs that have needed to be whitelisted for our different services – the UI (User Interface), scheduling, API, etc.  

Our plan is to perform a smaller update in June that will take the new IP address for each region, and route all traffic through it, utilizing virtual networks within Azure. What this means is that all the current IP addresses that must be whitelisted for SmartConnect per region will be reduced to just one IP address for your organization.  

Once the June update goes live, it will make the process for whitelisting SmartConnect much easier. Not only that, but it will greatly improve the quality of life for IT teams who manage and monitor the interaction with SmartConnect. But prior to this happening, the May update needs to get the IP addresses added to the existing IP range used by SmartConnect; and then from there we will provide updates on when the second phase of this plan will go live. 

Learn more about all SmartConnect Updates here.

Questions about the SmartConnect update? Reach out to us at