Are you reaching your goals? How do you know on a day-to-day basis whether you are on track to reach them? I’m not sure about you, but as a competitive person I love to see where my numbers are at. We use SmartList Builder internally and created a Custom List that shows us our goals, where we are at today and what the difference is to reach our goals. It’s the perfect way to keep our sales and marketing teams accountable for their progress.

We have a couple different goals, so I look at my custom list (created with SmartList Builder) in SmartView. From there I am able to filter and group – not just by the goal type but also by the month. I can even look ahead and see what my goals are for future months or look behind and see what past months have been.

Below is just an example of how you can leverage your data with both SmartList Builder and SmartView. They both work independently, however together they are the bomb (as my son would say) or as I would say the best GP reporting tools you can get.

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Do you have a custom list idea that would help create efficiencies in your organization or do you want to learn how to create those custom lists? Check out our self-paced training which provides you with the resources you need to become a SmartList Builder Guru. I’m waiting to hear from you!