Looking ahead to 2021, eOne Solutions remains committed to a model of software development focused on continual improvement, with regular hotfixes, service packs, and functional releases for our cloud products, as well as in our on-premise products.

Click here to sign up for our Q4 2020 Partner All Hands Call.

We have not and will not rush our customers to the cloud, but we will be here to assist with your transition on your terms. The advantages of both integration and reporting in the cloud are very real and have led to some amazing solutions that are simply unavailable to those companies that remain running their software on premise.

On January 4, 2021, we will be making pricing adjustments to ensure we provide outstanding value to our customers. Pricing adjustments are necessary as eOne adapts to the changing cost structures of delivering SAAS solutions.  eOne’s commitment is to continued investment in the on-premise and cloud experiences that our customers use now and will use as they transition fully to the cloud when the time is right.

Please join us for our Q4 2020 Partner All Hands Call to learn about:

  • eOne’s 2021 pricing updates & resources for partner to use as they communicate with their customers.
  • New eCommerce & expense management integration offerings.
  • 2021 Training Options
  • Q4 Promotions

Register here to join us for this call on Wednesday, November 18th at 2:00 pm CT OR click here to join us on Thursday, November 19th at 8:00 am CT.

If you have any questions or won’t be able to join us, please send us an email at sales@eonesolutions.com