What does “Summer 6 Pack” mean to you? The phrase may bring images of ice cold, choice beverages to mind – causing you to see if the clock has reached 5:01 quite yet. It may, on the other hand, have you thinking about how prepared (or, ah, almost prepared) you are to break out your swimwear. Here at eOne, it has come to mean something a little different than cold beer and swimsuits (though we’re not opposed to either). It’s our term for our latest service offering – our eOne Summer 6 Pack. I’ll be releasing details on the service offering in the next few weeks, but here are the basics of what OUR Summer 6 pack includes:

·         2 Days of Onsite Training at your site  (7 attendees or less)
·         2 Days of Onsite Consulting (To assist with your projects. Offsite consulting beyond that time is a separate billable activity)
·         2 Hours of Post-Event Support
·         ALL travel and daily expenses are included.
So what’s the price tag? Our eOne Summer 6 Pack runs at $7000.
Again, watch for more details and documentation coming out shortly!
Want more details ASAP? Ready to sign up? Let me know – email abbey.cooper@eonesolutions.com or call 888.319.3663 x 717.