I have previously talked about tracking your SmartList Favorites using a feature in SmartList Builder.  This can help you track the favorites in your system and help you clean up all the unused ones that you have and don’t need any longer.

Well, now you will have the same option in SmartView (Internal).  Today we released a new feature in SmartView for Microsoft Dynamics GP that will allow you to track when lists are run.  This is being released in SmartView (Internal) build 18.2.22 and will work with the Microsoft Dynamics GP release that came out in October of 2019 and anything newer that has a build of 18.2.XXXX.

To access the SmartView Tracking window, in Microsoft Dynamics GP, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP – Tools – SmartView – SmartView Tracking.

Once there, you will see all of the different SmartView lists that have run since build 22 was installed in your system.  I will show you the SmartList Name and the Favorite Name so that you can find which on you are looking for.  If you have several with the same name, you may also need to look at the Product ID that corresponds to a product in your Dynamics.set file.  Once you find the list you are looking for, you will see how many times it has been run since the build 22 was installed.  You will also see the last user to run it and when they ran it.  Since favorites can be saved for all companies and all users, that is also noted. If that is blank, then the favorite is saved for specific companies and/or users.  This may help you in locating it in the SmartView Favorite Maintenance window.  The create date will show you when the Favorite was created if it was after the build 22 was installed. If it was created before that, it will just show the date this build was installed.

Smartview Tracking

Hopefully this will help you in managing all the Favorites that get created in your SmartView system going forward.  Look for the addition of the SmartView External Favorites in a release soon!