You’ve fallen in love with SmartLists over your years using GP. Now that you’re using Dynamics 365 Business Central, what do you do?

Look no further.

Popdock provides a fast, simple interface for end users to get at the data they need to do their daily jobs. We like to call it Actionable Data. Popdock can pull in external data, may eliminate some unnecessary integrations and gets all the data in one report, and provides dimensions reporting.

Need another reason to investigate Popdock? How about 8 more! 
1. Lightning fast reports
2. Easy searching across all your data
3. See data from all your apps
4. Sub-totaling and grouping without export to Excel
5. Get meaningful data in one page instead of 3 different pages
6. Pull data from multiple companies
7. Embed external data using widgets
8. Pull more than two Dimension Codes and then sort on them

The best way to discover if Popdock is the right tool for you is to see it in action. Take a look at this short demo video:

Popdock video 1

If you’d like to see more, sign up for one of our Monday afternoon demos HERE or email us at to schedule a demo today.