Looking to integrate with a new cloud application?  You won’t want to miss our upcoming Q3 Partner All Hands Call where eOne will dive into how you to say YES to more integration & migration scenarios.  This has been one of our top priorities as we deliver new features for our SmartConnect and Popdock products.

As we saw on our Q2 Partner All Hands Call, eOne now offers a REST web service/API connection option for our partner consultants and customers to set up connections to systems that do not have dedicated connections already to integrate and report from.  On our Q3 Partner All Hands Call, we plan to dive into real life considerations and complexities you need to account for when you’re integrating with a system new to you, and we’ll be using a recent project as an example.

We’ll also take at a couple use cases for Popdock in data migration scenarios, upcoming training opportunities, and promotions we’re offering this quarter.


  • Delivering API integration in real life
    • Complexity with API’s & connecting to them
    • Using multi-data source integrations with your API – when data is missing & comparing source data
  • Popdock in Data Migration Scenarios
  • Actionable data in Popdock
  • Q3 Training Classes
  • Q3 Promotions

We hope you can join us and you can register here for the call on Wednesday, August 12th at 10 am CT.

If you have any questions or won’t be able to join us, please send us an email at sales@eonesolutions.com

Partner Call Q3 2020