As of 2020, The average mid-market enterprise runs over 100 SAAS apps across finance, customer support, sales, and IT operations.  The average employee at a mid-market company uses 14 apps to do their job.  Sound familiar?

Increased usage of SAAS apps brings efficiencies. However, considering the whirlwind of 2020, with the impacts of COVID-19 including higher employee and app turnover, companies have critical challenges to address:

  • How can we onboard new employees efficiently with the number of apps they need to learn?
  • How do we make the right data available to our teams?
  • Which integration projects should IT prioritize to get outside data to the target app, so their team can be more productive?

The solution for scenarios where the end goal is providing data visibility between apps: Virtual Integration with Popdock.

Virtual Integration using Popdock widgets makes whole enterprises work together, seamlessly. You’re able to:

  • Embed & display data from other systems in the apps most familiar to your users.
  • Present the data how you need it in cards, lists, graphs, etc.
  • See related detail – invoice lines, notes, shipping statuses,
  • Take action on your data – turn on actions to drill down, run a process, export, search, filter.
  • Keep your team more productive where they work.

Popdock widgets are simple to implement, and achieve what you need most: giving your users insight into the data they need, where they need it, without complicated mapping, traditional data integration, or duplicating data.

To learn more, sign up for a Popdock demo here or contact eOne’s sales team at to discuss your specific scenario.