I have been contacted by a number of resellers in the last few weeks who were very excited – if not a little agitated!!

They are saying things like ” Our clients are excited about the web client and really want to use it. BUT we have had VB customizations in place for many years and none of that will upgrade to the web. In addition we built some .net code just last year – and it will not upgrade either!! So our consultants have decided to do the whole thing in eXtender as its the only configuration tool that works. ”

So why have shares in eXtender gone through the roof in the last few weeks:

  1. Works with Web client: eXtender solutions will work with the Dynamics GP 2013 web client. This means that all the eXtender configurations will upgrade seamlessly.
  2. Extender Enterprise Logic: Logic can be embedded just about anywhere in Dynamics GP.  Logic is really simplified dex code without the need for compiling code, building dictionaries, upgrades etc.   So whether it is on opening a form, printing a document, saving a record, entering a field, exiting a field, if you changed a field etc you can have extender execute your logic code.
  3. Logic goes Web: With the 2013 web client – all logic code will continue to trigger and execute just like it would in the windows client.
  4. eXtender works with SmartConnect: Take the data you capture in eXtender and use SmartConnect to generate more data within Dynamics GP. e.g. You capture details at a sales order level and when you posit it you need to create a service contract. SmartConnect grabs the SOP details and extender details and auto generates a contract.  No Code programming.
  5. One Stop Dev: Develop once – without a developer!! One set of customization that works seamlessly in regular GP as well as the web client.

So you can not write dex logic scripts!! The good news is that there are plenty of developers that can – and so can the team here at eOne.  Your job is to understand the need, document it and let us do the rest.

The next question we are asked is “so how on earth did Microsoft let you take the code back out of the OEM-  right when every GP customer is going to need it . . . “.

Watch out for the upcoming extender tech/dev level training where we will teach you everything you need to know. If you want more info email me at martin.olsen@eonesolutions.com.