We are pleased to announce, with the growth of eOne’s team and business, we’ve relocated to a new location in Fargo, as of August 20th, 2018.   The new address for our Fargo office is:

eOne Fargo Office

4170 41st Ave S

Fargo 58104

To celebrate our new place, we’re hosting our annual Smartner Party on site this evening (you can RSVP here) and of course, if you’re in town visiting, let us know and stop by to say hello.  We’re walking distance from our friends working at Microsoft’s campus.

Also, as someone doing business with us, we kindly ask that you update your records. All invoices, quotes, and orders generated via eOne’s Shop will now include this new address as well.

If you need anything regarding this change, please do not hesitate to email us at sales@eonesolutions.com.  We’ll be happy to help!