Did you know that SmartConnect is entirely independent to Microsoft Dynamics GP. While we still love and support our GP customers and resellers – there is no dependency on GP to run SmartConnect. What this means is that:

1. The version of GP you are running is no longer relevant to whether you can run SmartConnect (as long as you are on GP 10 or above)
2. The service pack of GP is not relevant to SmartConnect.
3. Every new site should be installing SmartConnect 2012. SmartConenct 2012 is the latest code with all the latest functions, features and fixes.
4. You can use SmartConnect directly with CRM, Salesforce, SQL etc even when there is no GP involved.
5. There is absolutely no functionality loss in the new version. There are more and better features for all customers.
6. The look and feel has changed and is much sexier than before.

Sales Wise
1. You have many more prospects you can introduce SmartConnect to.
2. SC is your one stop integration tool for all your customers and projects.
3. SmartConnect AX is coming.