
Removing Modified Default GP SmartList

Published: Oct 20, 2015
Post Author Written by Jared Dux

If you have modified one of the default Microsoft Dynamics GP SmartLists with SmartList Builder and would like to revert back to the default version of the list follow these steps:

  1. Open SmartList Builder.
  2. Set the SmartList Type to Existing.
  3. Set the SmartList ID to the list you would like to revert back to the original. It will have an asterisk at the end of the name to signify that it has been modified with SmartList Builder.
  4. Click the Delete button.
  5. Relaunch SmartList to view the default version of the list.

If you have created SmartList Favorites on the modified version of the list these will not be converted back to the default list when deleted and will be removed.

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