I am in the SmartConnecty 21 GP Change Data Source window to create a new GP Change Data Source.
After giving the new data source a new and selecting my GP Instance, I press the Product lookup button and receive the error:
No Products were found in this instance of Great Plains. Please run the resource cache inside Great Plains before setting up a change data source
How do I resolve this error?
This error is caused by SmartConnect not finding records in the SC9000, the “SmartConnect GP Installed Products” table.
This, and the SC9001, SC9002, SC9003, SC9004 are created and populated by the SmartConnect Dynamics GP Addin that is included with the SmartConnect zip file download.
In order to create a GP Change – or realtime – Data Source, the SmartConnect Dynamics GP Addin must be installed to at least one GP Client machine.
Once installed, the tables must be populated by running the “Create GP Resource Cache” process per the documentation.
Setting up the Connector > Setting up the GP Connector > GP Resource Cache (eonesolutions.com)
Lastly, on the Dynamics GP Connector being used, make sure to select the correct GP System database which should almost always be DYNAMICS (the default) unless you are using a different named database for the GP System Database.