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eOne.SmartConnect.UI.External has stopped working

Published: Aug 12, 2014
Post Author Written by David Youngquist

When launching SmartConnect after a new installation, receiving an error that says “eOne.SmartConnect.UI.External has stopped working”  If you expand the “Problem Details” you get an event with a Problem Event Name of APPCRASH, and a Fault Module Name of clr.dll

This can be caused by two different scenarios.  

1.  The SmartConnect SQL user did not get created with the correct permissions.
2.  Some versions of NET Framework 4.5.1 have this issue per this article:  .NET Framework 4.5.1 breaks ADO.NET connections to SQL Server

The solution for issue 1 is the following:

  1. Open up SQL Management Studio and go to the Security – Logins folder.
  2. Right click on the SmartConnect user and pick Properties
  3. Go to the “User Mapping” page and see what the SmartConnect user looks like. Their “Default Schema” needs to be “dbo”.
  4. If it’s set to anything else, click on the button at the end of the “Default Schema” column and type in “dbo” in the “Select Schema” window. Hit the “Check Names” button then hit the “OK” button.
  5. For the SmartConnect database, the SmartConnect user needs to be in the “public” and the “db_owner” role. Make sure both those checkboxes are checked before hitting the “OK” button.
  6. Now relaunch SmartConnect, the error should be resolved

The solution for issue 2 is to install the .NET Framework 4.5.2 which can be downloaded from here: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2

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