
You don’t have security privileges to open this window. Contact your system administrator for assistance

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When any user that is not a member of the powerusers group logs into Great Plains, they receive an error that says “You don’t have security privileges to open this window. Contact your system administrator for assistance”. This is after installing SmartConnect 10.00.0048

There is a SmartConnect Upgrade Tables window that launches to confirm your tables match the version of SmartConnect installed. All users need to have rights to this window. If you run the following script in SQL Query Analyzer against the DYNAMICS database, it will grant all users access to this window.

--Beginning of script
declare @var1 varchar(20)
declare cur cursor fast_forward for select DISTINCT(SECURITYTASKID) from DYNAMICS..SY09000
open cur
fetch cur into @var1
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
select @var1,3835,22009,2
fetch cur into @var1 end
close cur deallocate cur
--end of script

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