
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PKCM20100’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.CM20100’.

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by Kevin Jones

When running a Bank Transaction map, receiving an error that says “Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PKCM20100’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.CM20100’.”

You will get this error if you try and import both the debits and the credits on a Bank Transaction. With the Bank Transaction node, you only import one half of the distribution and the other half defaults from the account number assigned to the checkbook ID. If you are entering a Check, Withdrawal, or Decrease Adjustment you need to import the debit side of the transaction, and the credit side will default to the account number assigned to the checkbook. If you are entering a Increase Adjustment, you need to import the credit side of the transaction and the debit side will default to the account number assigned to the checkbook.

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