
Upgrade to GP 10 Service Pack 4

Published: Dec 08, 2011
Post Author Written by David Youngquist

Steps to upgrade to Great Plains Dynamics 10.0 SP4 without overwriting your eOne eXtender installation.

The service pack 4 installation will try and replace the eOne version of eXtender with the Microsoft version. Follow these steps to upgrade to GP10 SP4 without overwriting your eOne eXtender.

1. In Windows Explorer (Right-click the Start Button and choose Explore), go to the local Microsoft Dynamics GP folder. NOTE: The default location is C:Program FilesMicrosoft DynamicsGP.

2. Right-click the Dynamics.set file and choose Copy.

3. Paste the Dynamics.set to another location, such as the Desktop.

4. Right-click the Dynamics.set file in the Microsoft Dynamics GP folder and choose Edit.

5. Reduce the top number by one. For example, if the top number is 26 reduce the number to 25.

6. Remove the following information in the Dynamics.set file. 3107 Extender :C:Program Files/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/EXTUD.DIC :C: Program Files/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/Data/UDFORM.DIC :C: Program Files/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/Data/UDREPT.DIC

7. Choose File – Save.

8. Close the Dynamics.set file.

9. Now right-click the Dynutils.set file and choose Copy.

10. Paste the Dynutils.set to another location, such as the Desktop.

11. Right-click the Dynutils.set file in the Microsoft Dynamics GP folder and choose Edit.

12. Reduce the top number by one. For example, if the top number is 26 reduce the number to 25.

13. Remove the following information in the Dynutils.set file. 3107 Extender :C:Program Files/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/DU3107.dic :C:Program Files/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/Data/DU3107F.DIC :C:Program Files/Microsoft Dynamics/GP/Data/DU3107R.DIC

14. Choose File – Save.

15. Close the Dynamics.set file.

16. Install the Microsoft Dynamics GP service pack or hotfix you require.

17. Following the installation, rename the current Dynamics.set file to Dynamics.old.

18. Copy the Dynamics.set and Dynutils.set files from the location you copied the original files in Step 3 above.

19. Paste the original Dynamics.set and Dynutils.set files back into the Microsoft Dynamics GP folder.

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