I’m attempting to update a Variable Allocation Account in Microsoft Dynamics GP – I have the “Update If Exists” checkbox marked on the “Add variable allocation detail” mapping but eConnect gives the error:
Error Number = 8087
Error Description = Account already exists in the Variable Allocation Master record – GL00104
How do I get around this error?
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft taCreateVariableAllocationAccountRcd stored procedure in that while the procedure does have the UpdateIfExists parameter, it isn’t actually being used in the proc and gives the 8087 error instead of properly updating the existing record in the GL00104 table.
The easiest and safest method is to work around the issue from SmartConect by using a SQL Task to delete all of the breakdown distribution account records in the GL00104 before the data is being sent to eConnect. Because the records are removed before the eConnect code variable account procedure has executed, there is no possibility of getting error 8087 unless there is a duplicate in the source data.
Because we need to remove the existing allocation account records BEFORE eConnect processes the new data – this script will run as a “Before Document” task.
I’ve attached a zip file with a map and map source from built with SmartConnect and sample source data that will work with Fabrikam data that will illustrate the issue and workaround.