
Dynamics 365 (CRM) Field Service – GP Templates

Published: Jan 17, 2017
Post Author Written by Katie Soderberg

This article will walk through the required steps to import and configure the Field Service and Dynamics GP templates. Please review the entire article before attempting to setup the templates for the first time.

General Information

The Dynamics 365 Field Service and Dynamics GP templates consist of 34 maps. There are integration points for the following records:

  • Accounts
  • Territories
  • Warehouses
  • Inventory
  • Associated Inventory Records – Currencies, Unit of Measures, Price Levels
  • Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Inventory Adjustments
  • Inventory Transfers


For every integration, a Bulk version and a Change version of the map exists. The set of bulk maps are intended for an initial sync of data between Dynamics 365 Field Service and Dynamics GP. Once that is complete, the change maps are designed to be scheduled as an ongoing process to keep the two systems synced up.

Any of the mappings can be changed or configured once the integrations are imported into SmartConnect, so additional fields can be included or even new maps can be added to fit specific needs.


Prerequisites to using these templates are as follows:

  • Have a valid Dynamics GP and Dynamics 365 Field Service instance/organization
  • SmartConnect or higher installed and registered
  • Your Dynamics 365 environment is already configured in the Dynamics CRM Connector within SmartConnect
    • The Dynamics CRM Connector will connect to versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM (4.0, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016), Dynamics 365 Sales, Customer Service, Project Service, and Field Service.

Step 1:  Implement the Needed Customizations to Dynamics 365 Field Service

There are a set of custom attributes that need to exist within Dynamics 365 Field Service in order for the transaction-based integrations to run correctly. There are 2 custom attributes that are needed on each of the Invoice, Purchase Order, Inventory Adjustment, and Inventory Transfer entities.

The attribute display and technical names are the same on each of the entities, and are listed below:

 Attribute Display  Technical Names
 Send to ERP  eone_sendtoerp
 ERP Trx Number  eone_erptrxnumber

The Send to ERP attribute is setup as a simple text field type, while the Send to ERP attribute is designed as a Two Option (Yes/No) field type.

These fields are included so that the integrations have specific values to look for when determining if a record should be sent to Dynamics GP. A record needs to have the Send to ERP option set to “Yes” in order for the ongoing or bulk integrations to initially pick up the record for integration. Once the record has been sent to Dynamics GP, another map will write the document number that is generated in Dynamics GP back to the ERP Trx Number attribute to indicate that the process is complete.

Both managed and unmanaged solution files are included in the templates for deploying these customizations to Field Service. If importing a solution is not desired, then the attributes can be manually created as long as the naming conventions and field types match what is outlined above in this document.


Step 2:  Import and Configure the Dynamics 365 Field Service – Dynamics GP Maps

  1. Click on the “Maintenance” tab within SmartConnect
  2. Click the “Import Wizard” button within the SmartConnect Maintenance section
  3. Select the “FieldService_GP_Maps.sce” file and import its contents
  4. Once the import completes, navigate to the Maintenance tab within SmartConnect
  5. Click on the “MSSQL Defaults” button and then double-click the “GP_DEFAULT_COMPANY” item to open it
  6. Update the connection information in the SQL connection to point to the correct Dynamics GP Company database and server and then save the changes
  7. Double-click on the “GP_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_DB” item to open it

Import wizard for field service and GP templates


  1. Update the connection information in the SQL connection to point to the correct Dynamics GP System (DYNAMICS) database and server and then save the changes.  Default Microsoft SQL Servers Window
  2. Back on the Maintenance tab within SmartConnect, click on the “ODBC Data Source” item.
  3. Double-click the “FIELDSERVICEGPDEFAULT” item to open it.
  4. Click the Lookup button for the Connection String field, select the correct SQL version driver – it should be one of the SQL Server 20xx – SQL Security options.
  5. Update the connection information to point to the correct Dynamics GP Company database and server and then save the changes.
  6. Double-click the “FIELDSERVICEGPDEFAULTSYSTEMDB” item to open it.
  7. Click the Lookup button for the Connection String field, select the correct SQL version driver – it should be one of the SQL Server 20xx – SQL Security options.
  8. Update the connection information to point to the correct Dynamics GP System (DYNAMICS) database and server and then save the changes.

SQL Server Login


Template Map Details

There are multiple different types of maps that are included in the templates. This section will categorize and assist in determining which each set of integrations should run.

The bulk maps that can be run during the initial setup from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Field Service are as follows:

    • This map adds the base unit of measure value to each of the units after they have imported
    • This map will take the site quantities for each item that exist in Dynamics GP and send those values to Field Service as the initial inventory adjustment to set starting values


Those maps should be run in the order that they are listed above. This is required because some integrations require other records to be in place for reference during the import.

There are also a set of bulk maps that can be ran from Dynamics 365 Field Service to Dynamics GP to sync up existing transactions. The Send to ERP flag must be set on any of these transactions to get them included in the integration. The maps are listed below:



The ongoing maps from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Field Service that are designed to be scheduled are:



The ongoing maps from Dynamics 365 Field Service to Dynamics GP that are designed to be scheduled are:



There are also a set of maps that are not intended to be run manually or on a schedule. Instead, these maps automatically run before or after other maps that are setup. They will either create additional records that are needed before the main integration runs, or will update the source system with data when an import completes. These maps are listed below, along with which integrations they are a part of:

    • Pre map task on both bulk and ongoing inventory transfer map
    • Ensures items are assigned to sites used in the transfer
    • Pre map task on both bulk and ongoing inventory adjustment map
    • Ensures items are assigned to the site used in the adjustment
    • Pre map task on both bulk and ongoing purchase order map
    • Ensures account exists as a vendor in Dynamics GP
    • Pre map task on both bulk and ongoing purchase order map
    • Ensures the vendor/item assigned exists in Dynamics GP
    • Post map task on both bulk and ongoing invoice map
    • Updates the ERP Trx Number attribute with document number from Dynamics GP
    • Post map task on both bulk and ongoing purchase order map
    • Updates the ERP Trx Number attribute with document number from Dynamics GP
    • Post map task on both bulk and ongoing inventory adjustment map
    • Updates the ERP Trx Number attribute with document number from Dynamics GP
    • Post map task on both bulk and ongoing inventory transfer map
    • Updates the ERP Trx Number attribute with document number from Dynamics GP

Final Steps

  1. Schedule the maps that have the suffix of _ONGOING on whatever schedule is desired
  2. A 5-minute interval should be the quickest timeframe in which the maps are set to repeat, as this will allow each integration to complete before starting the cycle again
  3. Determine which of the maps are actually required for a particular implementation
    1. For example, item adjustments may not be needed on each implementation as Dynamics GP will adjust inventory automatically when posting invoices
    2. Another example would be a company that uses non-inventoried items in Dynamics GP, in that case many of the inventory maps (unit of measures, price levels) are not needed as that data can be created on the fly with the product
  4. Add in any desired error logging and alerts
    1. Common steps involve turning on the Log Errors flag in the Options tab of the Map Setup screen for any particular map, and setting up emails to send on the failure of an integration using the Map Tasks

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