Tech Tuesday: Issues to be aware of when creating maps that use text ODBC drivers
I get a lot of calls from people saying that SmartConnect isn’t working right. It’s either not reading their data...
Tech Thursday : Query data in SmartConnect with .NET scripting
This article will show the basics of using a SmartConnect scripting to query additional data during an integration with the...
Can SmartConnect integrate with _____?
One of the most common questions we receive is “Can SmartConnect integrate with ____ ?” You fill in the blank,...
ODBC Text File Connection
This week’s Tech Thursday will show you how to use a UNC pathname when you are writing your own query using...
Tech Tuesday: Using ODBC Connection to Query Data from an Excel File
Most often when a user needs to use an Excel file for their source data in SmartConnect they choose Microsoft...
Using SmartConnect to connect to ODBC Data Source
While SmartConnect has several default connectors for Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and there are many more connections...