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SmartConnect Integration Bootcamp prior to Summit 2017

Make the most of your Dynamics 365/CRMUG, NAVUG, and GPUG Summit experience, and attend eOne’s SmartConnect Integration Bootcamp on Sunday,...

eOne Solutions to Participate in GPUG Summit This Fall!

What’s on your conference schedule this fall? Here at eOne, we can’t wait to participate in the GPUG Summit in Nashville,...

Summit 2016

Summit 2016 is right around the corner! Both the Fargo and the Austin offices are getting ready for this must-attend...

More reasons to attend the GPUG Summit in Reno

Customers ask us all the time which conferences we think are the most valuable to attend. If they are a...

GPUG All Star Nominations – We Need Your VOTE!

We are thrilled to announce that two of our team members – Nicole Albertson and Chris Dew – have been...